Catalogue: It Will Seem a Dream
Portfolio, Practice Based, film, exhibitionSynopsis
Catalogue: It will seem a dream is the title of an exhibition project at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC) Leon, Spain, 18 February – 4 June 2017. The exhibition consisted of an installation (FIG. 1) and a book (FIGs. 2–3). The installation comprised 10 video works, 1 slide work, 1 sculpture, 10 prints and 1 typed piece. The book was published by MUSAC and Occasional Papers in 2017.The project addressed questions about ways in which artists might reinterpret and curate their own work. Situated within the context of contemporary practices that are not object based, the research questions the extent to which works made through such practices might be able to generate and be understood through several forms, thus challenging expectations, based in object based practice and to some extent museology and conservation, around the singularity and stability of the artwork. The research was also an investigation into impact and practical implications of the digital within conceptual art. The exhibition was widely reviewed and the book was launched at an event at Matt’s Gallery 6 June 2017 and during the Artists’ Book Fair at Wiels, Brussels, 9 September 2017, in both cases with readings by Cruz.
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