The Carrying Stream Flows On: Celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of the School of Scottish Studies
Scottish Studies, Scotland, ScottishSynopsis
The School of Scottish Studies came into being at the University of Edinburgh in 1951 as a research unit dedicated to ‘the study and conservation of the folk culture of Scotland’ when Professor Angus McIntosh was enabled to turn a vision which he and others had long held into reality. In that year Calum Iain Maclean was seconded from the Irish Folklore Commission to continue his collecting in Scotland, while other pioneers such as Hamish Henderson and Alan Lomax were also beginning the monumental task of systematically recording the rich oral culture of Scotland in Scots and Gaelic. The School of Scottish Studies Archives, now located in Celtic and Scottish Studies at Edinburgh University, continue as a dynamic and inspiring resource for all with an interest in Scotland and her cultural heritage, a treasure-house of sound recordings and photographs from Shetland to the Borders, from the Western Isles to Buchan, supported by an outstanding research library and other materials. The contributions brought together in this volume are based on talks given at a conference organised by the Islands Book Trust in association with the University of Edinburgh in August 2011 to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the School.
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Table of Contents
The First Sixty Years of the School of Scottish Studies
Kindling Ancient Memory / a’ beothachadh na cuimhne aosda
Hamish Henderson – the Art and Politics of a Folklorist
Shetland and the School of Scottish Studies
‘Cuir siud sa’ Ghàidhlig’: toradh na h-obrach aig Fear Chanaigh
Gaelic Song
The Scottish Tradition Series: Impact and Community
Collection of Place-Names from Oral Sources
Shetland Place Names Project
Irish Links and Perspectives
The Significance of the Work and Collections of the School of Scottish Studies from a Scandinavian Perspective
The School of Scottish Studies, an Island Community


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