SeaVoice Annual: Issue 01
ocean advocates, scientists, artists, collective responsibility, bodies of water, seaSynopsis
The SeaVoice Annual: Issue 01 is the first-ever SeaVoice book, featuring a curated selection of 20 stories from 16 countries which highlight the voices of ocean advocates, scientists, artists, and community members working and living around the ocean.
Through thought-provoking articles, captivating stories, and insightful narratives, our articles shed light on the intersection between the ocean and culture, inspiring collective responsibility for our blue spaces. SeaVoice is a recognised action of the UN Decade for Ocean Science (2021-2030) under the Ocean Decade Heritage Network’s Cultural Heritage Framework Programme. With a focus on the key global challenges of the UN Ocean Decade, SeaVoice emphasises the importance of understanding the complex interplay between culture, heritage, and the environment in tackling the pressing issues we face today.
“SeaVoice tells stories that explore the collision of culture and climate with our ocean, rivers, and lakes, amplifying voices of the people who work, live, and survive by bodies of water. We invite you to read with an open heart and mind, to learn from those whose voices have too often been silenced or ignored, and to join us in our mission to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for our ocean, and therefore for life on Earth, humankind very much included.” Dr. Sylvia Earle of Mission Blue and Dona Berteralli of Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy.
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