Rising from the Depths: Utilising Marine Cultural Heritage to Create Social, Cultural and Economic Benefits in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar: Emergent Findings


Jon Henderson
University of Edinburgh


Africa, sustainable development, marine cultural heritage, maritime archaeology


The Rising from the Depths Network aimed to identify ways in which the submerged and coastal Marine Cultural Heritage (MCH) of Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Madagascar could stimulate ethical, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth in the region. The work sought to benefit not only social cohesion and poverty reduction within individual states but also to enhance the value, equity, and impact of development in the marine zone. Funded by the UK Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) through the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Network Plus Scheme from 2017 to 2022, the Network co-created a research agenda, organized a series of in-country workshops and events, and supported 27 challenge-led projects across Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, and Mozambique. This book presents the results and ongoing impact of these projects and outlines the main insights garnered from the work that has taken place to date. Rising from the Depths represents a first attempt to look at the MCH of East Africa in a coordinated and multidisciplinary way, uniting the various existing capacities in the region and giving agency to local communities in the elaboration of research agendas, project design, and resource management.

Supporting Agencies:

This work was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (grant number AH/ R005443/1) through the GCRF Network Plus Rising from the Depths


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A deep sea diver approaches something buried in the sand.



20 December 2024
